BuyForMe FAQ

BuyForMe or BuyForMe FAQ

Know Better. Shop Smarter

Service and Fees

How does BuyForMe work?

We purchase your requested items for you and receive them in our warehouse. The order quotation includes item fee and BuyForMe Fee. All your items will be stored in our warehouse safely and wait for your regular mail forwarding orders. When you place shipping orders, you need to pay the shipping fee separately. Learn More Item Weight Shipping Fee.

How does BuyForMe Work?

We provide nonstop service, from item purchasing to delivering to your door, including taking care of customs clearance and duty and taxes for you. The order quotation covers all related fees such as item fee, BuyForMe Fee, Customs duty and VAT, broker fee etc. Broker fee will be calculated based on your item weight. Learn More

How long does it take to receive my items?

After your order is purchased and processed, it usually takes 2-3 business days to receive your item in our warehouse (some special items or backorders may take more than 3 business days).
If you ordered with BuyForMe, add another 4-5 business days for additional processing and international shipping (total 6-8 business days).
If you ordered with BuyForMe, add another 2 business days for processing in our warehouse + 3 to 5 days international shipping + 2 to 3 business days to deliver to your door (total 9-13 business days).
Please keep in mind this is only an estimate. Depending on the product or destination country, delivery may take less or longer than estimated.

What is Broker Fee?

This fee is for Customs clearance processing. Broker fee is calculated by item weight ($6.00 per Lbs.)*, so it won't show in the initial cost nor charged.
After we receive your item, we will determine and let you know the weight and relative Broker Fee to be charged so we can ship your item to you.
Broker fee is calculated as sampled: 1 iPhone will be 3 lbs. x $6 = $18.00; 1 pair of shoes is about 4 lbs. x $6 = $24.00; 1 Shirt is 2 lbs. x $6 = $12.00; 1 Laptop is 10 lbs. x $6 = $60.00
*Broker fee will vary by country. Please check broker fee before submitting your order. Item Weight Broker Fee

What is BuyForMe Fee?

ShipToBox BuyForMe fee is $8 + 8% of the Item Price*. This fee will cover ShipToBox operation cost (customer care center, warehouse operation, and credit card transaction cost). For example: If you select 1 Laptop ($349.99), BuyForMe fee will be $8 + $27.99 = $35.99. If you add a pair of shoes ($49.00), the fee will be $8 + $27.99 + $3.92 = $39.91
*This percentage (%) may change according to your shipping country and item price.

What is Customs duty, VAT, clearance fee?

These fees are for Customs clearance which will be determined by each type of item and item value. We collect the fees when you place orders to ensure your item will be shipped faster. Depending on which destination country you are shipping to and its customs regulations, not all items might be assessed with these fees (duty, VAT, and other clearance fees).

Ordering Information

What products can I buy?

Any item legally sold in US and other countries websites. Ensure your item can be shipped and legally allowed into your country as well.

Here are some examples of items you can buy:
Auto parts, bags, belts, cell phones and accessories, clothes, computers, cosmetics, electronics, footwear, games and consoles, laptops, makeup, sunglasses, textiles, watches, etc. Please note some of these items might be restricted depending on the destination country.

What products I cannot buy?

Some items are legally sold in US websites but cannot be shipped to your country, because they are either illegal to use in your country or you may need a special permit.

Here are some examples of items you cannot buy:
Alcohol Beverages, Alcohol-Containing Products, such as Hand Sanitizers, Nail Polish & Remover, Paint, Perfume;
Any Pressurized Containers and Containing Flammable Alcohols, such as Hairspray, Paint Cans, Shaving Cream;
Any Material considered Hazardous-Inflammable-Explosive, such as Loose Lithium Batteries;
Car, Motorcycles, Sailing Boats;
Cigarettes, Cigars, E-Cigarette, E-Juice, E-Liquid, E-Vapor, and Vape Products;
Gambling Products, Lottery Tickets, Currency;
Gun, Gun Parts, Firearm Accessories, Laser Pointer, Fireworks, Toy Guns, Fake Guns, Any Army Related Equipment and Clothes;
Narcotics, Drugs, Prescription Medicine;
Sex Related Products, Including Sex Toys, Clothing, Equipment, Pornographic Magazine;

Some restricted items depending on your Country.
Drone, Flying Toy, Food and Food Supplies, GPS Devices, Lighters, Religious Products And Books, Security Camera, Walkie Talkie, Watches With Camera;

Please check: Prohibited-Restricted Item List.
This list is non-exhaustive. BFM team will review if the product can be shipped to your country to the best of our knowledge. However, STB is not responsible to guarantee whether your product can be shipped to your country, held by Customs or not. It is your sole responsibility to ensure the product can be shipped to you. Please check your country's customs regulations and restrictions before submitting your order.

What if you found that my item is out of stock?

We will process your order with the available items even if some items are out of stock. Your order will not be held or cancelled because one or more items are unavailable. If you must purchase all items together, please add a note to your order.

Does my item include US sales tax?

No, our warehouse is in one of the US states exempted from sales tax. Any product shipped to our warehouse will not be charged sales tax. That gives you about 10% of the cost savings. For instance, if you buy an iPhone $899, you're saving about $80 on sales tax compared to other companies.

Can I use a coupon for my order?

Yes. Please add a note to your order if you have a coupon. We will try to use that coupon. Keep in mind that a lot of websites offer different types of coupon, such as coupons for only first-time users or coupons for one single use only, etc. BuyForMe services is used by thousands of users. We might have already used the same coupon for another user, so we might not be able to use it again. Our Customer Representative will inform you if your coupon does not work.

Can I order customized or personalized items?

Yes. You can order any special product that requires BFM team to pay attention to or deal with the seller's website such as uploading images, documents, unique texts, etc. Additional fees may apply for this type of service. For example, if your custom print t-shirt requires uploading an image, we may charge an additional fee to upload your image. Please contact our BFM agent for more details.
(Please note that any special order is not under BFM services warranty).

Item Purchasing Information

Which websites can I buy from?

Any US sellers and any European, Asian websites that ship to the US.
Some US websites as an example: https://www

Which websites I cannot buy from?

Any website that offers auctions or bids on products. BuyForMe services offer only purchase on fixed-price products, we cannot follow any bidding process.
Some US auction websites we can't buy from:

Can I buy from European websites?

Yes. Some European websites can ship to US addresses. Please check their shipping fee to USA and return policies before placing any order. lot of European websites return cost is higher than the product cost. Please select and consider your product carefully to avoid any returns.

Can I buy from Italian and Japanese websites?

Yes. Some Italian and Japanese websites ship to US addresses. Please check their shipping cost to USA and return policy before placing any order. A lot of European and Japanese websites return cost is higher than the product itself. Please select and consider your product carefully to avoid any returns.

Can I buy from auction websites?

No. We cannot buy from any website offering auction on products. BuyForMe services offer only purchase on fixed-price products, we cannot follow any bidding process.

Do you charge US Domestic Shipping Fees?

There are US sellers websites that offer free shipping. Some sellers offer free shipping if you spend over $50 or $250. Other sellers may not offer free shipping at all. Please review your item and ensure you understand US domestic shipping fee. We will process your order and add the shipping fee to your order if the seller website does not offer free shipping (your order will not be held or cancelled because of the shipping fee).
Some US websites offer free shipping:
Some US websites offer free shipping over $50 or $75 orders: https://www

Do you guarantee the product quality?

BuyForMe services DO NOT offer any product quality guarantees. We are not the seller of the product; we simply help you purchase it. Please review your desired product quality before submitting your order. Some items cannot be returned per store website policy or will be very costly to return.

The color of the product I received is not as pictured on the website?

Some websites use general images for their products. Color as seen on the picture and actual color of the product may differ. Please try to buy products from well-known websites to assure product quality, color, and size as described on product details. Some items cannot be returned per store website policy or will be very costly to return. BuyForMe services DO NOT offer guarantees on products size, color, or quality.

What if the product that I received fits differently?

Not all websites have or use the same size chart for all or each product. Even brand name products size may vary depending on item, model, and type. Please check the product details if quality, color, and size are as described, and ensure the size is correct and will fit you. Some items cannot be returned per store website policy or will be very costly to return. BuyForMe services DO NOT offer guarantees on products size, color, or quality.

What if I received a damaged item?

You have 3 days to submit a claim and include pictures of the damaged item as evidence if the delivery carrier was FedEx, DHL, or Aramex. If you picked up your item from our office or our own delivery person brought it to your doorstep, please check your item right away for any damages. You should not accept the item if physical damages are present.
Claims for damages submitted after 3 days from the item delivered date will not be considered as damage caused in the transportation, ShipToBox and BuyForMe services will not cover any damage related costs.


What payment methods do you accept and what are the fees?

We accept all major Verified Credit Card. To verify ownership of the card, we will ask from you: Credit Card copy and your photo ID copy.
VISA, AMEX, MASTER CARD, DISCOVER CARD: No additional fee for any transaction amount.
Cash Payment: Currently, this option is available only in Egypt.(additional fees may apply if you need a cash collection, please contact our BFM representative for more details).
Wire Transfer Fee: If you transfer total $500 or more = No Wire Transfer fee; If you transfer total less than $500 = $15 Wire Transfer fee.
Western Union Fee: If you send total is $50 or more = No WU transfer fee; If you send total is less than $50 = $5 WU transfer fee.
(To avoid WT and WU transfer fees, you can deposit money into your "Safe Wallet" first and spend the credits when you need it).

How can I pay for my order with Wire Transfer?

You will see Wire Transfer information in your dashboard when you register with ShipToBox. Please use this information to send Wire Transfer ASAP after submitting your order. Ensure your Wire Transfer covers your total order cost. You can contact our Customer Representative to enquire about the total cost of your order. Please keep in mind that we cannot process your order before we successfully receive your Wire Transfer (Wire Transfer can take up to 5 business day to receive).
Don't forget to add your Wire Transfer fee and other possible fees (such as shipping or broker fees) before sending money. Your bank may charge you a “sending fee", please make sure we will receive the correct amount. Maximum Wire Transfer amount for each transaction is $9,000.
Wire Transfer fee: If you transfer total $500 or more = No Wire Transfer fee; If you transfer total less than $500 = $15 Wire Transfer fee.
(To avoid Wire Transfer fees, you can deposit money into your "Safe Wallet" each time you transfer over $500 and spend the credits when you need it. If you transfer over $500, we will give 2% cash back as credit for future shopping).

How can I pay my order with Western Union?

You will see Western Union information in your dashboard when you register with ShipToBox. Please use this information to send Western Union ASAP after submitting your order. Ensure your WU transfer covers your total order cost. You can contact our Customer Representative to enquire about the total cost of your order. Please keep in mind that we cannot process your order before we successfully receive your WU transfer (WU transfer can take up to 3 business days to receive).
Don't forget to add your Western Union transfer fee and other possible fees (such as shipping or broker fees) before sending money. Western Union may charge you a "sending fee", please make sure we will receive the correct amount. Maximum Western Union transfer amount for each transaction is $1,900.
Western Union Fee: If you send total $50 or more = No WU transfer fee; If you send total less than $50 = $5 WU transfer fee.
(To avoid Western Union transfer fees, you can deposit money into your "Safe Wallet" each time you transfer over $50 and spend the credits when you need it. If you send over $500, we will give 2% cash back as a credit for future shopping).

How can I pay my order with cash?

We currently accept cash payment only in Cairo, Egypt. You can pay for your order with cash if you can come to our office in Capital Business Park - Sheikh Zayed City. We offer 2% cash back for each cash deposit which will be credited to your "Safe Wallet". Or you can request a cash collection at your home or office with "Cash Collection Services"
* Additional fees may apply for "Cash Collection Services" Please contact our Customer Representative to enquire about the fees.

Returns and Exchanges

Can I return my item?

Yes. You can return your item if it has not been shipped to you yet, but you will need to cover the return and cancellation fees. Return fee is minimum $10 or 10% of the product fee (whichever is higher) + any return fee charged by the seller.

Can I return my item after I receive it?

Yes. You can return the item if it has not been opened and has its original packaging with price tag if any. But you will cover any item return fees, order cancellation fees, and Customs clearance fees. Our cancellation fee is minimum $10 or 5% of the product fee (whichever is higher) + our return shipping fee + any return fee charged by the seller + Customs clearance charges.

Is there any item return fee?

Yes. After we receive your item, we charge an item return fee of minimum 10% of the product fee or $10 (whichever is higher). This is only our return fee. The seller may have their own return fee policy. Those fees will be covered by you. Please select and consider your item carefully before submitting your order.

Can I exchange my item?

Yes. You can request to exchange your item. But keep in mind that exchanging an item may have the same cost as a return or cancellation. Please check and consider your item carefully before submitting your order to avoid any costly step.


Can I cancel my order before it is processed?

Yes. There is no cancellation fee if you cancel your order before it is processed.

Can I cancel my order after the order is processed?

Yes. Please contact our Customer Service Representative ASAP if you want to cancel or edit your order. We may have already purchased your product when your order is being processed. If this is the case, you will be responsible for any cancellation fees.

Can I cancel my order after the item is purchased?

While some US sellers might allow us to cancel the purchased items, some others might not accept cancellation of the purchase. Please let us know ASAP if you want to cancel your order. You may be charged a cancellation fee from the seller which you will cover and any product return shipping cost.

Can I cancel my order after it is shipped to me?

No. You cannot cancel your order if we shipped your item from US to your Country or is already on the way to your country. International shipping and Customs processing are very costly. Please be sure about your product before placing an order.

Is there any order cancellation fees?

Yes. Once we start processing your order, we charge a minimum order cancellation fee of $10 or 5% of the product fee (whichever is higher). This is only our cancellation fee. Sellers may have their own cancellation or return fee policy. Those fees will be covered by you. Please select your item very carefully before submitting your order.


Can I ask for a refund?

Yes. You can ask for a full refund if your order has not been processed yet. If your order is already processing, you will need to pay the order cancellation fee and other related fees (such as seller's cancellation fee, Western Union or Wire Transfer refund fees, etc.).
We can credit the final refund amount to your "Safe Wallet" without additional cost. If you request the refund to be transferred to your country, additional costs may apply (such as Wire Transfer fee, etc.). This fee may go up to $50 for each transaction.

Can I ask for a refund if I sent Wire Transfer?

Yes. You can ask for a refund if your order has not been processed yet. We will refund the final amount after deducting the Wire Transfer fee. If your order is already processing, you will need to pay the order cancellation fee (we charge a minimum order cancellation fee of $10 or 5% of the product fee, whichever is higher), and other fees related to your order.

We can credit the final refund amount to your "Safe Wallet" without additional cost. If you request money back to your own Country, additional costs may apply (such as Wire Transfer fee, etc.).
Note: Wire Transfer to your country can take 8 to 10 business days after we approve the refund amount.

Can I ask for a refund if I paid with Western Union?

Yes. You can ask for a refund if your order has not been processed yet. We will refund the final amount after deducting the Western Union Transfer fee. If your order is already processing, you will need to pay the order cancellation fee (we charge a minimum order cancellation fee of $10 or 5% of the product fee, whichever is higher) and other fees related to your order.

We can credit the final refund amount as credit to your "Safe Wallet" without additional cost If you request the refund to be transferred to your country, additional costs may apply (such as WU transfer fees, etc.).
Note: Western Union transfer to your country will take 8 to 10 business days after we approve the refund amount.

Can I ask for a refund if I paid with cash?

Yes. You can ask for a refund if your order has not been processed yet. If your order is already processing, you will need to pay the order cancellation fee and other related fees (we charge a minimum order cancellation fee of $10 or 5% of the product fee, whichever is higher). We can credit the final refund amount to your "Safe Wallet" without additional cost. If you request money back to you, additional costs may apply (such as "Cash Delivery Fee"). Note: Cash refund will take 3 to 10 business days after we approve the refund amount.

Can I ask for a refund if I paid with Credit Card?

Yes. You can ask for a refund if your order has not been processed yet. If your order is already processing, you will need to pay the order cancellation fee (we charge a minimum order cancellation fee of $10 or 5% of the product fee, whichever is higher) and other related fees. We can credit the final refund amount to your "Safe Wallet" without additional cost, or we can also refund to your credit card. Note: Refunds will take between 5 to 15 business days after we approve the refund amount.

What is "Safe Wallet" and how does it work?

"Safe Wallet" is your account credit. All your credited refunds will be kept there ready to use when you make orders. You can also deposit any amount of money any time. "Safe Wallet" is the safest and fastest way to process your order. You can submit your order without any limitation or delay. Keep in mind some discounted items on the website are for a limited time. You don't want to miss the discount only because your money transfer took a long time.

Payment Currency?

Our currency is in USD, but we accept the local currency in some countries. Please check your order payment section if we offer your local currency or not.


How much is the international shipping fee?

When you Select BuyForMe, we purchase the item(s) and keep it in our warehouse. It will be safely stored until you place an order to ship it to you. You will need to pay the international shipping fee which is different by Country. Please check Shipping Fee & How BuyForMe Works

What is the weight of my item?

Every item you purchase has its own weight and size. Some items are small but heavy, such as iPhone 12 which is about 3 lbs. in its small sized box. Some items are big but very light, such as women boots which comes in a big box but only weighs around 6 lbs. Your item weight is a combination of the box size and actual weight of the product. Please check your item weight before submitting your order. Item weight is directly related with your international shipping fee and broker fee. Please see Item Weight samples.

Can I ship my item to a different country?

Yes. No matter which service you select, BuyForMe or BuyForMe , you can ship your item to any country served by our logistic partners. Please check the Customs Regulations before you place an order or before you request shipping to that country.

Can I ship my item to a different US address?

Yes. No matter which service you select, BuyForMe or BuyForMe , you can ship your item to any US address. You will pay any additional US domestic shipping fee from our warehouse to your US address.

Can you purchase my item directly to my US address?

No. All your items must be received in our warehouse first, then we can ship to your US address. You will pay any additional US domestic shipping fee from our warehouse to your US address.

Is my item coming in the original packaging?

Yes. We process your item just like we receive it. We keep the original packages and tags. Please keep in mind some original packages can increase the item weight and/or size, and Customs may open your packages to inspect the items, so it is not guaranteed that your original packaging will be in brand new condition.

